The Injuns are coming (again)

Attention Conservation Notice: This post is about Alabama politics and the use of American Indian imagery to score political points.

Spotted this billboard the other day in East Lake, Birmingham.

The three men on the right are Alabama Governor Bob Riley, John Tyson (current head of the Governor’s Task Force on Illegal Gambling) and David Barber (the first head of the task force). An Indian war bonnet adorns the space above the three mug shots. Continue reading “The Injuns are coming (again)”

So there’s not enough money in politics?

Barack Obama’s campaign, with its record-setting war chest, is likely to change the nature of campaigning in a way most of his supporters may have trouble appreciating. The role of big-money donors in campaigns is likely to become greater, and balancing them with a legion of online donors may not be enough to maintain more […]